The second cell (to the left) fires only when the object is farther away than that distance. For this cell, a "far" cell, objects closer than the screen evoke little or no response; at about zero disparity (screen distance), a small shift of the screen has a very large influence on the effectiveness of the stimulus. The response rises sharply to a plateau for distances farther away than where the animal is looking. Beyond a certain point the two receptive fields no longer overlap; in effect, the eyes are being stimulated separately. Response then falls to zero. Still other cells respond only when the stimulus is nearer. As we vary disparity, these two cell types, called near cells and far cells, both show very rapid changes in responsiveness at or near zero disparity. All three kinds of cells, called disparity- tuned cells, have been seen in area 17 of monkeys. It is not yet clear just how common they are or whether they occur in any special layers or in any special relation to ocular-dominance columns. Such cells care very much about the distance of the object from the animal, which translates into the relative positions of the stimulus in the two eyes. Another characteristic feature of these cells is that they fail to respond to either eye alone, or give only weak responses. All these cells have the common characteristic of orientation specificity; in fact, as far as we know, they are like any ordinary upper-layer complex cell, except for their additional fussiness about depth. They respond very well to moving stimuli and are sometimes end stopped. Gian Poggio at Johns Hopkins Medical School has recorded such cells in area 17 of alert implanted monkeys trained to keep their eyes fixed on a target. In anesthetized monkeys, such cells, although certainly present, seem to be rare in area 17 but are very common in area 18. I would be surprised if an animal or human could assess and compare the distances of objects in a scene stereoscopically if the only cells involved were the three types--tuned excitatory, near, and far--that I have just described. I would have guessed that we would find a whole array of cells for all possible depths. In alert monkeys, Poggio has also seen tuned excitatory cells with peak responses not at zero but slightly away from zero, and it thus seems that the cortex may contain cells with all degrees of disparity. Although we still do not know how the brain reconstructs a scene full of objects at various distances (whatever "reconstructs" means), cells such as these seem to represent an early stage in the process.